Tuesday, September 4, 2012

CriOS - Welcome?

Looking at my stats I noticed two hits from a browser called CriOS.

After searching the googles I still have no idea what it is!

My best guess is that it stands for Chrome iOS... but that is just a total guess...

Anyone who knows better than I can feel free to post a comment!


  1. I've been having hits on my RPi blog as well - guess it's just one or two people from the same origin interested in all things Raspberry

    1. I have decided that crios MUST be short for "Chrome Browser iOS"!
      It must be that people using the Chrome browser on iDevices are visiting our pages...
      At least that is my best guess!

  2. Yep, this is the user agent of the iOS port of Chrome. See http://developers.google.com/chrome/mobile/docs/user-agent .

  3. I have 4 views from CriOS, thanks for looking into this guys :)

    BTW, I have a blog about Games. News, free games and reviews :)

  4. I had taht same browser hit 20 times on my blog, so i looked it up found this. anyone know what the heck it is cause im always roaming for new stuff.

    Not to spam but i also run a tech blog argue4android.blogspot.com

  5. I too got some views from CriOS, Found this blog when I searched about it :D

  6. Chrome iOS had been my guess as well, and I thank the commenters here for deciding its authority.

  7. what about http://www.cell-technology.net/technology.php it's probably an enterprise proxy server or something?

  8. Thank you, I was looking for this too. And this answer the question.

  9. Also saw this under my stats and my initial thought was it could be Crome OS.
    I'm glad I was.

  10. first time i know crios, i think i can download this software and then try it. But, now i know what is crios, thankyou :)

  11. Hey does chrome os make anysense to you?, (Chromebook)

    1. None at all. In fact, it's completely useless. Sorry to offend anyone who uses it frequently, but...

      It is kind of the truth

    2. Haha, well I think it makes perfect sense if you are interested in having a cheap device that allowes you to use the Google suite of software.

      My lab for instance functions exclusively inside Google Drive for managing data and projects. In this example it makes perfect sense to give our technicians and interns a cheap laptop that gets them access to our work. Much more sense than trying to make room for everyone in the desk space to have a cheapy Dell workstation.

      Sure we could get workstations that were a similar cost, but we have nowhere to put them. A tiny crappy notebook is a very reasonable trade off in this case.

      Could we not just get cheap windows laptops? Possibly, but then we also run the risk of having the interns using them as real laptops. All they would need to do is install a few normal pieces of software (itunes, chrome, etc.) before the thing came to a crawl and no one got any work done ever again. It is easier then to just provide equipment that they cant screw up.

      ChromeOS absolutely has its time and place, there is no question about that. Those who fail to understand that niche solutions may exist to problems which do not directly affect themselves are often crippled by an inability to envision an experience which is not their own. I don't want to just call David here wrong, because for him I am sure that ChromeOS has no redeeming qualities. At the same time I feel that he is engaging in a mass generalization and an appeal to popular knowledge, both of which are logical fallacies. And, worst case scenario he is just being aggressive about his opinion because he wishes to make an argument in bad faith.

      Either way, the answer to the original question is yes. ChromeOS does make sense to me as it has proved to be a functional solution to an issue I had. I admit I have not found it to be functional enough to replace my laptop or desktop workstation, though I think few would argue such was Google's intent.

  12. I came across this post looking for what CriOS is myself. It's definitely Chrome on iOS if anybody still cares.



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